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SBI PO Syllabus 2024, Detailed Prelims & Mains Syllabus


SBI PO Syllabus 2023, Detailed Prelims & Mains Syllabus

What is the SBI PO Exam?

The State Bank of India (SBI) conducts the SBI PO exam to recruit eligible candidates for the post of Probationary Officer. The SBI PO exam is one of the most prestigious exams in our country. Lakhs of students prepare for the SBI PO exam, a dream job for many aspirants.

Table Of Content :-

SBI PO 2024 Exam

SBI PO 2024 Exam Selection Procedure

SBI PO 2024 Exam Pattern

SBI PO 2024 Syllabus For Prelims Exam

SBI PO 2024 Syllabus For Mains Exams

SBI PO Syllabus : Computer Aptitude

SBI PO Syllabus : Group Excercise & Interview

SBI PO GD & PI Topics

Prepration tips for SBI PO Exam 2024

Frequenty Asked Question

SBI PO 2023 exam

The SBI 2023 prelims exam will take place on the 1st, 4th, and 6th of November 2023, and the mains exam will be conducted from December 2023 to January 2024.

SBI PO 2024 exam 

The official notification for the SBI PO 2024 exam date will be released after the SBI PO 2023 exam. Today, we will guide you through the SBI PO 2024 exam. We will share the details of all three stages of the SBI PO exam- Prelims, Mains, GD (group discussion), and PI (Personal Interview).SBI conducts the SBI Probationary Officer (PO) exam annually to recruit new entrants for managerial cadre positions.

SBI PO is perhaps the most looked-for Government test in the nation by all Bank Exam Aspirants. Have a look at the most recent SBI PO Syllabus and Exam Pattern. It will assist you with raising your groundwork for SBI PO in the correct course.

 SBI 2024 EXAM overview 

Name of Conducting BodyState Bank of India (SBI)
  Name of the PostProbationary Officer (PO)
   Notification DateTo Be Notified
Process of selectionPrelims Exam Mains ExamGD & PI
Division of Marks      Prelims: 100 Marks Mains: 200 Marks GD: 20 Mark PI: 30 Marks
Exam DurationSBI PO Prelims: 1 Hour SBI PO Mains: 3 Hours
Marking scheme1 mark each for every correct answer in Online Test
Negative marking0.25 of the marks assigned to the question in MCQ
Examination ModeOnline For Paper I and Paper II

SBI PO 2024 exam Selection Procedure

The SBI PO exam follows a three-stage process for the recruitment of the candidates. Every candidate has to qualify for all the stages to secure a seat. Here are the three stages of the SBI PO exam selection procedure-

SBI PO prelims exam

The first stage of the SBI PO exam is the Prelims exam. It has three sections- Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language carrying 100 marks. It is qualifying in nature, and the candidate needs to qualify for the exam to be eligible for the second stage.

SBI PO mains exam

The second stage of the exam is the SBI PO mains exam, which has four sections- Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, Data Analysis & Interpretation & General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness, and English Language and carries 200 marks.

Personal Interview and Group Discussion.

After qualifying for the Prelims and Mains exam, candidates will appear for the GD-PI session. Here, they will face the officials, discussing their experience and questions of General Knowledge. A candidate needs to clear the Interview Process to ensure their final selection. The marks for these rounds are as follows-

SBI PO 2024 exam pattern

The first step in the SBI PO 2024 exam is understanding the exam pattern. Exam pattern plays a crucial role in building a practical timetable for your preparation. We have discussed the exam pattern for prelims and mains exam in detail below.

SBI PO Exam Pattern for Prelims Exam –

Name of the SubjectNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime
English Language303020
Quantitative Aptitude353520
Reasoning Ability353520
Total1001001 hour

SBI PO Exam Pattern for Mains Exam –

S. No.Name of Subject No. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1Reasoning & Computer Aptitude405050 minutes
2Data Analysis & Interpretation305045 minutes
3General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness506045 minutes
4English Language354040 minutes
Total1552003 hours
Descriptive Test025030 minutes

Facts for SBI PO Prelims Exam


The fundamental assessment of the SBI PO test includes Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. The complete detail of the heading and sub-heading of the areas asked in the Preliminary of the SBI PO test is as follows-


Reasoning is applying logic. It will use your critical thinking to solve the questions. The only way to solve its questions is by practicing hundreds of questions. Here is the syllabus for the Reasoning section of the SBO PO Mains exam 2024-

Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative aptitude is about fundamentals and concepts. The better you know the concepts, the more you score. Here is the syllabus for the Quantitative Aptitude section of the SBO PO Mains exam 2024-

English Language

English is part of every competitive exam. Candidate must be aware of three fundaments of language- comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary. Here is the syllabus for the English language section of SBI PO Mains exam 2024-

SBI PO 2024 Main Exam Syllabus

After qualifying for the prelims exam, candidates have to prepare for the Mains exam. The main exam is the core of your recruitment process, therefore, securing good marks should be your ultimate goal.

The main examination of the SBI PO test includes four areas:

  1. Data Analysis and Interpretation
  2. Reasoning and Computer Aptitude
  3. General/Economy/Banking Awareness
  4. English Language

Here is the detailed syllabus for all the SBI PO Main exam 2024-

Data Analysis

Data analysis means interpretation/understanding data. Data can be in any form, such as bar graph, probability, Tabular graph, etc. Here are the topics the candidate must prepare for data analysis-


Another section in the SBI PO main exam is reasoning, which is crucial to examine your thinking capacity. Here are the topics you need to prepare-

English Language

English is crucial in every field. One should know the fundamentals of the English language. Here is the syllabus for the English language-

General Awareness/ Economy/ Banking Awareness

Every candidate must be aware of their surroundings, and that is what the authority wants to examine in the exam. Economy and banking awareness is crucial as it is part of your job.

Candidates must cover the following areas-

SBI PO Syllabus: Computer Aptitude

Computer aptitude is crucial for every job. It is a necessity to know how to use a computer and its basics.

Candidates must cover the following areas-

SBI PO Syllabus: Group Exercise and Interview

Candidates who have passed the initial two stages of the SBI PO test will be called upon to appear for the GD-PI session. The Group Discussion carries 20 marks, and the Interview is for 30. Here are some details on the same –

SBI PO GD and PI Topics

The competitors applying for the SBI Group Discussion and Personal Interview will get the copying points. Here are the topics that you must prepare for the GD and PI.

These are some general topics that candidates must prepare. Apart from these, one should prepare for topics related to banking, the environment, ongoing wars, the Economy, national and international events, etc.

Preparation tips for the SBI PO Exam 2024

The SBI PO 2024 exam is one of the best exams in our country, and to ace the exam, the candidate has to prepare with dedication and sincerity. For this, the candidate has to go through the exam pattern and syllabus and work on their weaker section.

Another to keep in mind is accuracy. SBI PO exam 2024 is an objective paper. Candidates with high accuracy will only be able to make it. It’s only about how many questions you can attempt in the given time frame. Candidate must build a section-wise strategy. Giving mocks, solving the previous year’s question paper, and analyzing their performance will help them improve them.

For quantitative aptitude, clear your concepts and learn the shortcuts and tricks to solve the questions because the only thing matters is the correct answer. So, you have to solve the question as fast as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. When can I apply for the SBI PO 2024?

Ans. You can apply for SBI PO 2024 after the release of the official notification.

Q2. How does the SBI PO exam take place?

Ans. The SBI PO exam has three phases- Prelims, Mains, GD, and PI. They are as follows-

Q3. Is there a negative marking in the SBI PO 2024 Exam?

Ans. The SBI PO exam has a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every incorrect answer.

Q4. What are the topics to prepare for SBI PO- GD and PI?

Ans. Candidate must prepare topics including the issues of public and worldwide interest. The themes are NPI, Natural Calamity, Women Empowerment, Digitization, ongoing wars, national and international events, etc.

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